Detail of Lonesome Moon by Tameichi Wada, 1944.

Following the attack at Pearl Harbor, the issei were branded enemy aliens by the government. While the mass media parroted spurious accusations of sabotage and disloyalty, the FBI executed a campaign to imprison those with leadership positions in the Japanese community. The agency produced no evidence of crimes and refused to provide information about the arrests. Those detained were simply guilty of being "Dangerous Enemy Aliens".

Now, after more than sixty years, we can find who these men were, why they came to America and how they lived here. Although most of the men detained at Santa Fe have died, their stories survive with their children and grandchildren.


Victor Kambe, son of KAMBE Toshiharu, was interviewed on May 31, 2003 at his home in Rolling Hills, California.

Joy Nozaki Gee, daughter of Kiyoshi "Semita" NOZAKI, was interviewed on February 2, 2002, at her home in Sacramento, California.

Reiko Matsumoto, daughter of Chiko ODATE, was interviewed on Sunday, February 17, 2002 at her sister's home in Anaheim, California and Wednesday, December 3, 2003, at her mother's home in Berkeley, California.

Seibi Okita, son of OKITA Miyoshi, was interviewed on June 3, 2003, at the Nishi Hongwanji in Los Angeles, California.

June Yamamoto and Bob Wada, daughter and son of Tameichi WADA, were interviewed on June 28, 2003, at the family home in Harbor City, California and at Yamamoto's home in Lomita.

May Minami, daughter of Frank Toshinori YAMAUCHI, was interviewed on October 26 and 27, 2003 at her home in Gardena, California.

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